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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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Search Results
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A search for 'Genesis Of Aquarion, Vol. 1' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in composers
  1. Genesis P-Orridge

131 matches in tracks
  1. Genesis (02:53)
    from Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes Of Apollo
  2. Genesis (00:43)
    from Sherrybaby
  3. Genesis 6:14 (05:20)
    from Evan Almighty
  4. Genesis 6:14 (05:20)
    from Evan Almighty
  5. Genesis (03:45)
    from Life - A Distant Journey Of 4 Billion Years
  6. Genesis (02:33)
    from Rétrospective Bruno Coulais
    from ""Genesis"
  7. Genesis (02:33)
    from Planète Blanche, La
    from ""Genesis"
  8. Genesis (02:33)
    from Fils Du Requin, Le
    from ""Genesis"
  9. Genesis (02:33)
    from Don Juan
    from ""Genesis"
  10. Genesis (02:33)
    from Truands
    from ""Genesis"
  11. Genesis (02:33)
    from Peuple Migrateur, Le
    from ""Genesis"
  12. Genesis (02:33)
    from Drengen Der Ville Gøre Det Umulige
    from ""Genesis"
  13. Genesis (02:33)
    from Déjà Mort
    from ""Genesis"
  14. Genesis (02:33)
    from Harrison's Flowers
    from ""Genesis"
  15. Genesis (02:33)
    from Choristes, Les
    from ""Genesis"
  16. Genesis (02:33)
    from Microcosmos: Le Peuple De L'Herbe
    from ""Genesis"
  17. Genesis (02:33)
    from Agents Secrets
    from ""Genesis"
  18. Genesis (02:33)
    from Deuxième Souffle, Le
    from ""Genesis"
  19. Genesis (02:33)
    from Genesis
    from ""Genesis"
  20. Genesis (02:33)
    from De L'Amour
    from ""Genesis"
Show all 131 matching tracks